Long term stability of Li-S batteries using high concentration lithium nitrate electrolytes
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Adsorption of iso-/n-butane on an anatase thin film: a molecular beam scattering and TDS study
Adsorption of iso-/ n -butane on an anatase thin film: a molecular beam scattering and TDS study
Journal Catalysis Letters
Publisher Springer Netherlands
ISSN 1011-372X (Print) 1572-879X (Online)
Issue Volume 116, Numbers 1-2 / July, 2007
DOI 10.1007/s10562-007-9121-x
Pages 9-14
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Platinum Monolayer Fuel Cell Electrocatalysts
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Magnetic Ordering in Gold Nanoclusters
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Effect of Water Vapor, Temperature, and Rapid Annealing on Formamidinium Lead Triiodide Perovskite Crystallization
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Rhizosphere engineering: Enhancing sustainable plant ecosystem productivity
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